Welcome to Yarmouth Town Council
Housing Needs Survey
As part of the Neighbourhood Plan project, Yarmouth Town Council is carrying out a housing needs survey to find out what homes local people need in 2025 and beyond. This for is for:
Anyone who will need alternative housing in the next five (5) years and either:
• already lives in the Parish; or
• wants to live in the Parish and has a local connection to it, past or present
(including being from the Parish, having close family connections, caring for
someone in the Parish or working here).
The Parish includes Yarmouth Town, Thorley, Hill Place Lane and Tapnell.
If this applies to you you can find full details here: Leaflet v2.1 and/or there’s a link to the online survey here: https://form.jotform.com/250013066236344
FYT Service
FYTbus (Freshwater, Totland and Yarmouth) is a friendly local bus service getting you to where you want to be in Freshwater, Yarmouth and Totland. It’s in need of drivers, driver assistants and people to man the charity shop. If you’re interested in being a volunteer for any of these tasks, please contact FYT via its website: https://www.fytbus.org.uk/contact-us/
Yarmouth Primary School premises
The former Yarmouth CE Primary School closed at the end of 2022 and the premises and associated land has been marketed by the Isle of Wight Council. A Steering Group was formed with the aim of retaining the site as a community educational resource for generations to come; Yarmouth Town Council and the Group consulted with residents about suggested uses for the site and those suggestions formed the basis of a sealed bid to IWC for purchase of the site via a Community Land Trust. In March 2024, IWC announced that the preferred bidder was Yarmouth Community Foundation, whose bid had similar aims to YTC, and Yarmouth Town Council will work with them to develop the site for the benefit of the Yarmouth and Thorley communities.
More details can be found here, including an update about latest developments: https://www.yarmouthtowncouncil.co.uk/yarmouth-school-site-sale/
Yarmouth Town Council has begun a Neighbourhood plan which is hoped will give the Council more control over local developments. More details can be found on the Neighbourhood Plan web page https://www.yarmouthtowncouncil.co.uk/neighbourhood-plan/